These money saving tips could make a HUGE difference in your financial situation. Take the time to watch and change your future!
A sales flyer worth opening
It seems every day we get more and more solicitations in our mail boxes. Most get discarded and usually deserve to be. But there are some that are worth a quick once over to make sure you aren’t throwing money away.
Kohl’s is one that should be scanned through. They offer MANY ways to get discounted merchandise. One is that they offer a 10% to 30% off your total purchase, this usually comes in the mail so be sure to peel off that label! Inside the flyer they may offer $10 off a certain category of purchase like mens, juniors, home etc. Be sure to open that flyer to find these valuable coupons.
In addition they offer a Yes2You, customer appreciation program which offers you $5 for every $100 spent.
Earning Kohl’s cash is another great way to stretch your dollar. The usual offer is $10 certificate for every $50 spent to use at a future date.
What makes all of this exciting is that there are VERY few limitations on these discounts AND they can all be used together, even on clearance or sale merchandise.
Let’s put some real money on this, recently we purchased $550 of clothes for $100 and received $20 in Kohl’s cash and $5 in Yes2You rewards. So the net is $550 dollars worth of merchandise for $75! Simply awesome.
Please share a some other great retail stores that offer the BEST DEALS!
Target Department Stores has some great ways for you to keep more of your money! Besides the usual manufacturer’s coupons and Target coupons, they have a smart phone app called “Cartwheel” that provides some great savings. The app is easy to use and it can be used to scan bar codes of products in your cart to see if there are any additional savings! After you have added the products to the app it will produce a bar code that the cashier can scan which will deduct savings. Be sure to sign up for coupons to be mailed to you as well they provide some pretty good offers. Also their clearance is usually located at the ends of some isles and can provide some super deals. Lastly if you use the Target credit card they will give you 5% off everything you buy. There is some significant savings to be had. Target has hit the bullseye for savings!
Please share other stores that provide great savings.