Financial Freedom Kickstart For 2019 – Day 7

Savings will grow

The next thing to consider is what you plan on spending in the future and start saving for your future. Since we want to eliminate debt, we want to make sure that there is cash ready in savings for the things that you will want to do, see, and have.

If you have completed the Focus On Income from Day 5 and Calculate Your Monthly Expenses from Day 6, you should have dollar amounts at the top of the worksheet for Monthly Income and Spending Plan Total. The amount currently in your Spending Plan Total should be only your monthly bills or expenses.  Take the monthly Spending Plan Total and multiply it by 6, this is the amount you want to ultimately save in an account for your emergency fund of six months worth of expenses.

We recommend setting up individual savings accounts for each category of savings such as an emergency fund, health care fund, house fund, car replacement fund, school fund, travel fund, tax fund, investment fund, and retirement fund for any of the categories that are not being funded sufficiently elsewhere.

The very first savings account it is important to fund is an emergency account that contains at least six months of your expenses. As for the other accounts start to consider the future and what you will need your savings to be to support it.

Save the Spending Plan Worksheet and have it ready for tomorrow!

Financial Freedom Kickstart For 2019 – Day 6

Calculate your monthly expenses

Pull out all the bills that you owe. The next step is to fill out the expense sections of the Monthly Spending Plan Worksheet. It is set up to calculate your monthly spending plan, so for quarterly payments, divide the quarterly payment by 3 to get a monthly payment and for annual payments, divide the payment by 12 to get the monthly payment.

Then starting with your housing costs enter your monthly payments for all of the items in that category.

Put the amounts of all monthly payments in each of the items in the following categories: utilities, food, auto, insurance and health, personal, recreation, and debt payments.

Then save the worksheet in a handy place where you can add your planned spending for the future to it tomorrow!

Financial Freedom Kickstart For 2019 – Day 5

The next step in the process will be to count up all of the income that you receive on a monthly basis. This information will be entered into a Monthly Spending Plan Worksheet. Go to: and download the worksheet.
This will include any pay you receive from an employer, rental income, business income, dividend, interest, social security, retirement, or other income that you receive. If there is only one source of income right now, don’t worry. We encourage you to start thinking about how you might start to add at least one other income stream to increase your income.
Save the Monthly Spending Plan Worksheet with your Net Worth Worksheet for us to use tomorrow. Stick with these small daily steps for an amazing future!

FREE Personal Finance Course – GET IT TODAY!

The opportunity to grab a copy of Suze Orman’s Personal Finance Online Course for FREE ends TODAY!  Take control of your financial life.  Here are some of the topics she covers.

  • Overcoming your Financial Obstacles
  • Be Debt-Free
  • Retirement Rules
  • Invest for Success
  • Big Ticket Items: Buying a Car or Home
  • Making Finances a Family Affair
  • The Must Have Documents & Insurance

While we haven’t had a chance to look over the course yet, we agree with most of Suze’s opinions and are sure it is a great course.  Click here to grab your copy!

Put your money to work

Your money taking care of you on the beach!The fifth and last phase in our financial freedom plan is to “Put your money to work”.  Here is where the fun begins.  Now you can build up piles of cash for investments.  To build those accounts use the money you were putting towards your debts and emergency fund in phases three and four.

The following must be maintained to stay on the road to financial freedom:

1.  Stay debt-free.

2.  Accelerate paying off your mortgage to at least 15 years or less.

3.  Maintain at least 15% of household income towards retirement, a fully funded emergency fund, and adequate term life insurance, if needed.

4.  Pay cash for everything (except possibly real estate, an appreciating asset).

5.  Diversify your investments.

Always keep in mind that you MUST fully understand the investment BEFORE you invest in it.  Relying on someone else to “manage” your investments can lead to disappointment and frustration.  So be sure that you have a complete understanding of all the risks before investing.  Always remember no risk, no reward.

Please list some investment options in the comments that should be investigated.


How much life are you planning for?

Image9 courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image9 courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Hopefully retirement comes to those who want it. But are you ready for it? According to the Social Security website a man and woman who reach 65 today can expect to live on average until 84.3 and 86.6 years respectively.

Check out the website to calculate your own specific life expectancy using the life expectancy calculator. This is an important number to ensure there are sufficient funds to help you live your life comfortably. Start planning when you would like to retire and deduct your life expectancy age. Then you know how many years to plan for.

Carefully project your income from all potential sources, like social security, pensions, and 401K plans etc. Also hopefully there are some other assets in your portfolio, including some sort of real estate, business or stock holdings from which you can drawn on if needed.

After this analysis, are you ready? Or do you have more planning to do? Please comment.

Phases to FREEDOM!

Check out our “Phases to FREEDOM!”.  This webinar goes over our “5 Phases to Financial Freedom” which are (1) Always watch your nets, (2) Starters, (3) Debt destroyer, (4) Self first, then kids and (5) Put your money to work.

Are you on the path to financial freedom?  If so, please comment on what phase you are in.