Save the commute

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

Teleworkers in the north east should be grateful after the extreme winter that is coming to an end. Working from home is great for self motivated workers whose jobs can be done remotely. But telecommuting isn’t for everyone.

If you enjoy getting out of the home and having “face time” with your co workers, it may not be for you.

For those who can and want to, teleworking is awesome! The commute is non existent, which provides for more time to focus on interests outside of the office. This time savings can lead to more time for exercise, healthy eating choices and family time. Some monetary savings will be recognized on gas, parking, public transportation costs, auto repairs and maintenance. Even if you can work just a few days a week at home, you will see a significant savings, if you can give it a try!

Please comment additional benefits of teleworking.