Employers are getting smarter and using social media to check out potential hires even BEFORE deciding on who to interview. Think about what is on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linked In and YouTube or any other social media site about you. Would a potential employer viewing the posts think you would be a good fit for their organization? Maybe, maybe not…
“I start my new job today but I absolutely hate working at day cares, Lol it’s all good I just really hate being around a lot of kids.” was a post from Kaitlyn Walls on Facebook that cost her a much needed job. The employer called her and told her not to bother showing up to start work that day. Think before you post.
As we have told our kids, consider anything you post on social media to be on a BIG billboard that your family, friends, teachers, employers, etc. drive by and read everyday. Before clicking enter and posting make sure you would be proud if they all saw it, because chances are they will. This caution applies to everyone. Think before you post.
Click like if there has been something you posted to social media that you shouldn’t have.