Grow tax FREE?

Image3 Courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Image3 Courtesy of Stuart Miles from

A ROTH IRA allows tax free growth of your after tax contribution. It is quite a deal! If you are married, you can open one for yourself and one for your spouse then make the maximum contribution to each.  It is as easy as opening a bank account. But it is just a holder for your money, you will need to pick a method to get your tax FREE growth! You can invest in lots of different ways, like money market accounts, stocks, bonds, real estate or mutual funds. Really whatever way you are comfortable with. If you are interested in trying out stock options, check out or contact us regarding questions on real estate investing. This one is sure to set you up to succeed in your future with contributions to a ROTH IRA!

Click like if you are contributing to a ROTH IRA this year!

Want to sell to the government?

Image2 courtesy of Ambro from

Image2 courtesy of Ambro from

To help businesses cut through the confusing world of government contracts PTAP is there.  PTAP stands for Procurement Technical Assistance Program and is FREE in every state to provide direct services to business.  They provide workshops and seminars on a wide range of government contracting topics.  Want to get connected to other small businesses and agency officials who might need what your business has to offer?  PTAP can help.  They even provide one-on-one counseling tailored to your business’s needs.  Did I say all of this is FREE?  Why yes it is check it out!

Please comment and share your experiences with PTAP.

What type are you?

Image courtesy of nongpimmy from

Image courtesy of nongpimmy from

Stock traders typically fall into two broad types. Most traders start out as a discretionary trader, mostly relying on a combination of intuition and knowledge to discover high-probability trades. A discretionary trader will follow a trading plan but really goes with their gut on whether or not to place the trade.

The other type of trader is a systems trader. A systems trader will set up absolute rules to follow and will follow them. This type of trading can lend itself to some trade automation by following “if, then” rules. With this type of trading there is no “gut” feeling it is all driven by rules.

Which type of trader are you? Please comment.

Check, check and check again

Image2 courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Image2 courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Due diligence is VERY important, especially in real estate.  It is a fact finding mission to ensure all the information you receive is confirmed by the people qualified to give that information.  For instance, a neighbor of the subject property tells you the annual fee is $50 for the association but after you buy it you get invoiced $50 EVERY month.  That information should have been confirmed with the association BEFORE being purchased.  Your brother in law comes to look at that stain in the ceiling and tells you that is an old water stain from an ice dam but it turns out to be black mold and the roof needs to be replaced.  This can be a BIG problem. The advice should have been confirmed by a certified contractor BEFORE being purchased.  Please, please, please find confirm all information received from qualified people BEFORE you buy.

Is there any information you wish you had confirmed BEFORE you bought?  Please comment.

Time for a raise?

Image courtesy of Ambro from

Image courtesy of Ambro from

If you think it’s time for a raise, start preparing your information and go get it!  Do research in your career field to figure out how much your job is worth from a site like  If your research reveals you should be earning more investigate in a delicate way, what others in your company are receiving for compensation and benefits.  Then honestly consider your worth and contribution to the company.  Were there special jobs or projects that made you stand out from the rest?  If so be sure to include those in your pitch to your supervisor.  Be sure to carefully practice your dialog and role play to gain confidence for your meeting.  Then when the time is right, go get it.

Do you feel you deserve a raise?  If so, click the like button.

Score some FREE business help

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici from

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici from

Did you know you can get FREE business help? is a staffed with volunteer experienced business people who can provide a plethora of information. You can get a lot of help by requesting a mentor or as little help as emailing in a question.  They also offer events and workshops on a wide range of topics. There are even online business tools available. Be sure to take advantage and

Please share any great business tips you have.

There are a lot of animals in the market!

Image courtesy of Michael Elliott from

Image courtesy of Michael Elliott from

Stock traders many times will use common animals to describe the market.  Here are some:

Bull or Bullish – describes an upward or increasing trend.  Signals the economy is strengthening and typically stock prices rise.

Bear or Bearish – describes a declining or decreasing trend.  Signals the economy is weakening and typically stock prices fall.

Chicken – used to describe someone who is afraid to lose.

Pig – used to describe impatience or greed.

Keep these definitions in mind when you hear them.  It will help guide you in your investments!

Did we forget any other animals?  Please comment.

Good things come to those who wait

Image courtesy of phasinphoto from

Image courtesy of phasinphoto from

When it comes to filling a vacancy in your rental property, patience and careful review are VERY important.  Create a non-discriminatory evaluation criteria for the potential residents of your property and follow it for each applicant.  The first thing to do is to have the applicant complete and sign an application.  From the application determine if they can afford to pay the rent given their income and debt ratio evaluation criteria.  Next confirm all the information from the application with the applicant’s employers and former landlords.  Be sure to ask open ended questions of the landlords so you can get a feel for what kind of resident they might be.  Then ALWAYS run a background AND credit check, to confirm the information you have been told verbally and on the application.  These are very important steps for a long term, happy landlord – resident relationship.  Take the time, you will be glad you did.

What other criteria would you include in the evaluation of a resident?  Please comment.

Six figure income, no college degree required

Image courtesy of adamr from

Image courtesy of adamr from

There are potentially many fields where someone could make a six figure income without a degree but we were surprised to learn from that one was being a court reporter.  According to the article “Court Reporter: A Job That Makes Six Figures, With No College Degree” the field is expanding.  To be considered for a job in this field there are many different certifications available and you need to research what is required by employers in your area.   Some additional skills required are typing at around 225 words per minute and having the ability to easily differentiate between voices.  It could be just the right career for individuals who are looking for a high paying job without the education requirement.  Or maybe for a career change?

Are you looking for a change in career?  If so, please comment on what field you are in and what field you would want to switch to.

Cutting the cable

Image courtesy of arztsamui from

Image courtesy of arztsamui from

Do you remember a time when you could watch TV for free? Maybe you had to buy an antenna.  I know it is a radical thought in this day and age where everyone has cable subscription service, but do you enjoy it enough to keep it? Is it just a habit to pay the bill every month?  Take back control of your television watching!  There are currently many options for your viewing pleasure beside cable television and usually with less commercials!  One is to watch programing from your computer, which can be streamed wirelessly with Chromecast or connected with an HDMI cable.  There are many programs available for FREE LIVE or sometimes you may have to wait for a short period of time after the show airs.  There are also online pay services like Netflix or Hulu that charge a MUCH lower monthly fee, mostly under $10 per month.  Consider it!  I am sure you could find a use for that extra $100 or more per month.  Couldn’t you?

What could you do with that extra $100 plus per month?