Trust Trusts

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Trusts are not only for the wealthy, they are really for anyone who has assets to transfer.  The assets will be transferred privately through the trust without having to go through the very public probate process.  A trust is a separate entity that has a grantor, the person who established the trust, a trustee, the person who will manage the trust and the beneficiary, the person who will benefit from the trust.  In some situations, one person can take on all three roles.

The grantor has the right to tailor the trust to meet the needs of the beneficiaries.  In addition, the grantor has the right to specify how the assets in the trust will be invested.  In order to ensure all assets are included in the trust upon death, the grantor should establish a “pour over” will to ensure all assets that were obtained after the trust was established will “pour over” into the trust.

One really important feature of an irrevocable trust is that it can protect assets from the costs of nursing home care.  This type of trust can ensure your assets are protected and are distributed as you had determined even if you require nursing home care.  Without an irrevocable trust, your assets would be liquidated and used to pay for your care.

As always we urge you to seek a professional, we are simply providing some general information about trusts but this is a very complicated topic so please contact your trusted estate planning attorney as well as a certified public accountant for further discussion.

Please share this post with others who might benefit from it and please comment about your experience with trusts.



Words make a difference

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

How you phrase things with your employer is very important.  If you chose the right words it can motivate instead of deflate.  Always think about how the information will be received before you send it.

When problems arise, focus on solutions instead of complaining.  It is easy to complain or blame, but that usually doesn’t end with a workable solution.  Instead focus on the expected outcome, then make a plan to reach it.

Listen closely.  In fact, rephrase what you have heard.  It will show that you are listening and understanding.  Many people instead of listening are planning their response while the other person is talking.  Just listen.

Be helpful.  As Zig Ziglar always said, “You can have everything you want if you just help enough people get what they want.”  Some good words to use in this situation is “How can I help?”

Could you share some other words in the comments section that would make a difference?

Staging to sell

Image courtesy of Gualberto107 from

Image courtesy of Gualberto107 from

It is important to command attention and maintain that attention in order to sell.  The same is true when selling a house.  There must be some features in the house that elicit “WOWS” from your audience or you could lose their attention.  Home staging can make that happen.

It starts from the moment the potential buyer pulls up to the house.  That first impression is extremely important.  Be certain all the grounds are well maintained, grass is freshly cut, plants are new and not over grown.  Add a “WOW” factor if needed, maybe some amazing, inviting flowers or a water feature.

The house should be light and bright with a good flow.  Eliminate all clutter and personal touches, so that the buyers  can envision their stuff in the house.  Less is more.

Just when you think the house is ready to be shown, go in each room and identify the “WOW” feature in each room.  If you can’t find it, neither will the buyer.  Be sure each room has something that makes it memorable, then you are ready to sell!

What are some of the “WOW” features in your home?

Home sweet work

Image courtesy of photostock at

Image courtesy of photostock at

Want to start a business but need to be close to home?  Why not start one at home?  Thousands of businesses are run out of homes everyday which would be perfect for stay at home parents or adult caregivers.  Here are some business ideas to work from home sweet home:

  1. Medical Billing or Transcription
  2. Accounting services
  3. Child care
  4. Gift Baskets
  5. Virtual Assistant
  6. E-Books

There are many benefits to working at home.  How does, no commute, flexible hours, low overhead and start up costs sound?  Pretty darn good.  Work is a great way to exercise your mind and support your family.  We challenge you to investigate an at home business that interests you today!  Carpe diem!

Please share this post with others who may benefit from an at home business.

Can you share some other home based business ideas in the comment section for our readers?

Launching…Super Simple Spreads

Bull VS. BearAre you a new options trader or an experienced trader who would like simple effective strategies that require very little attention?  Super Simple Spreads program can solve many of the challenges that most options traders face, simply.  The program will demonstrate four simple proven strategies which will change your perception about high probability trading.  The strategies are:

  • The Bull
  • The Bear
  • The Bull VS. Bear
  • The Vcondor

This program was created by international options coach, John Locke, SMB’s #1 Options Trader.  Andrew Falde recently interviewed John Locke regarding Super Simple Spreads and his rise to top Options Trader.  Listen to the podcast for some great information.

Click here for a brief introduction video to the program by Seth Freudberg, Director of the SMB Options Trading Desk.   Ask John questions on a free live webinar this Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 4:30 PM Eastern, the day of the program launch!  In the webinar you will learn why John Locke trades super simple options spreads in addition to complex strategies… and why you should to.

Lots of ways to join, no reason not to!  Check it out!  Click like if you will be joining the webinar on Thursday.

Entertainment for free

Spotlight Joy Represents Stage Lights

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles from

We teach that while you are paying off debt you can not spend money on anything other than what is in your spending plan for your necessities.  Have you been sacrificing and working to pay off your debt without any reward?  If you have, you could be close to the breaking point.  You need to get out and have some fun without spending anything.  What do you do?

Volunteer your time.  Here are some ideas of things you can do to get out and be entertained:

  • Offer to usher for some shows.  In exchange for your services you get to watch the show.
  • Coach others in a sport you love and have some time on the field.
  • Chaperone some field or camping trips at places you think are great.
  • Assist an art instructor in a medium you like and would like to learn more.

We bet you will find you get far more than entertainment.  Try sites like and the opportunities go on and on.

Please comment on other volunteer opportunities available that can provide some entertainment value.



The almighty Google has spoken

Man looking through binoculars at .com

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

It is not that important where you went to school, what your grades were or even if you know how to do the job, according to Laslo Bock, Head of HR for Google.  They are only indicators.  It really boils down to your resume.

The interesting article is titled “Google’s Head of HR: It Doesn’t Matter Where Candidates Went to College” on Entrepreneur’s website.  There are however four key qualities that Google seeks when hiring:

1.  Cognitive ability, or basic problem-solving skills

2.  Emergent leadership, meaning a willingness to step up and back as needed

3.  “Googleyness” — the company’s term for a cultural fit

4.  Intellectual humility

Many applicants have tried gimmicky strategies to get noticed but really, Bock says, “Just put your best work on your resume and we’ll take a look at it.”

Google has been named the “best place in the world to work” by GPTW.  Do you feel you work at the best place in the world?  If so, please comment about your workplace.

The old switcheroo

Swapping for a higher priced property

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Since today is the day after US income taxes are due, now is a good time to remember it is never too early to plan your tax strategy.  If you are investing in real estate you need a good CPA and to be familiar with section 1031 of the IRS code.

We are not tax professionals, so always consult your trusted CPA to provide the nitty gritty of the rules, but this opportunity applies to like kind exchanges of property.  Section 1031 allows you to postpone paying tax on the gain if you sell a property and reinvest the proceeds in a similar, higher priced property.  Remember, it is not tax free but tax deferred.

There are time limits on taking advantage of a 1031 exchange.  First, you must identify potential replacement properties within 45 days from the date you sell the relinquished property.  Second, the replacement property must be received and exchanged within a specified amount of time.

This is a great opportunity for a real estate investor to keep rolling proceeds forward into more expensive properties without immediate tax consequences.  Your net worth will soar!

Have you taken advantage of a 1031 exchange?  If so, please comment your experiences here!


Investing is for everyone

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

How do you teach your children or even yourself to be financially prepared for life?  Can you count on social security or pensions to carry you through your golden years?  Unfortunately, no one has a crystal ball to see into the future, but historically speaking there have only been decreases in the amount of support from these sources.  So how do you ensure a secure financial future?  Make your money work for you by investing.

It does not matter if it is individual stocks, mutual funds, options, REITs, ETFs, IRA, ROTH, 401k, TSP, etc.  Each person should have a portion of their portfolio invested in the stock market and discover the amazing effects of compound interest.  At today’s interest rates at the bank with money markets hovering at 1%, it is an impossibility to get your money to grow.

If you aren’t investing yet, get curious, start learning about the stock market, and teach your children to ensure both your futures.  Of course, make sure you are debt free except for your home loan before you start investing.  Then learn all you can and reap the rewards!

Click like if you are currently investing in the stock market.

Are you paying unnecessary fees?

Image courtesy of Mister GC at freedigital

Image courtesy of Mister GC at freedigital

Pull out your bank statements.  Go ahead, go get them.  Are there any fees?  If there are find the best account for your banking habits that DOES NOT charge fees.

We are not talking about bounced check fees.  If you are a check bouncer, shame on you, you deserve to pay whatever fee they charge you.  If you have bounced a check by “accident”, get some overdraft protection.  Bouncing checks is serious and everything should be done to avoid that ever happening again.

Statement fees and most ATM fees are unnecessary.  There are plenty of different types of accounts available that don’t have these fees.  A bank account representative should be able to review your banking habits and recommend an account to avoid these fees.  Sometimes, credit unions are a great option.

Please give your bank a recommendation in the comments section if they DO NOT charge you any banking fees.