Grow tax FREE?

Image3 Courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Image3 Courtesy of Stuart Miles from

A ROTH IRA allows tax free growth of your after tax contribution. It is quite a deal! If you are married, you can open one for yourself and one for your spouse then make the maximum contribution to each.  It is as easy as opening a bank account. But it is just a holder for your money, you will need to pick a method to get your tax FREE growth! You can invest in lots of different ways, like money market accounts, stocks, bonds, real estate or mutual funds. Really whatever way you are comfortable with. If you are interested in trying out stock options, check out or contact us regarding questions on real estate investing. This one is sure to set you up to succeed in your future with contributions to a ROTH IRA!

Click like if you are contributing to a ROTH IRA this year!

Market research is important!

Image courtesy of  Stuart Miles from

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Ever wonder if you are getting a good deal? You should know if you are or not! With apps and the internet making information more available there is no excuse. One of the best ways to review prices is to check sold items on To search, enter the item into the search field, hit the REFINE tab, scroll down to “Sold items” and select it, then click done. A list of sold items and their prices will be displayed. It is a great tool.

Another way is to check a price is on There are also many price checker apps available, the one that we are most familiar with is Amazon price checker. It has a bar code scanner so that when you are in the store you can scan the bar code of an item and it will give you pricing information. It has saved us multiple times from paying way more than we should have! Do that research!

What other sites can provide market research?  Please comment.

Cutting the cable

Image courtesy of arztsamui from

Image courtesy of arztsamui from

Do you remember a time when you could watch TV for free? Maybe you had to buy an antenna.  I know it is a radical thought in this day and age where everyone has cable subscription service, but do you enjoy it enough to keep it? Is it just a habit to pay the bill every month?  Take back control of your television watching!  There are currently many options for your viewing pleasure beside cable television and usually with less commercials!  One is to watch programing from your computer, which can be streamed wirelessly with Chromecast or connected with an HDMI cable.  There are many programs available for FREE LIVE or sometimes you may have to wait for a short period of time after the show airs.  There are also online pay services like Netflix or Hulu that charge a MUCH lower monthly fee, mostly under $10 per month.  Consider it!  I am sure you could find a use for that extra $100 or more per month.  Couldn’t you?

What could you do with that extra $100 plus per month?


Image courtesy of  David Castillo Dominici from

Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici from

Target Department Stores has some great ways for you to keep more of your money!  Besides the usual manufacturer’s coupons and Target coupons, they have a smart phone app called “Cartwheel” that provides some great savings.  The app is easy to use and it can be used to scan bar codes of products in your cart to see if there are any additional savings!  After you have added the products to the app it will produce a bar code that the cashier can scan which will deduct savings.  Be sure to sign up for coupons to be mailed to you as well they provide some pretty good offers.  Also their clearance is usually located at the ends of some isles and can provide some super deals.  Lastly if you use the Target credit card they will give you 5% off everything you buy.  There is some significant savings to be had.  Target has hit the bullseye for savings!

Please share other stores that provide great savings.


One Simple Trade at a 73% WIN PERCENTAGE. Interested?


Image courtesy of ddpavumba from

Image courtesy of ddpavumba from

It is called “The Bull” and it is NOT full of it.  This Thursday at 7:30pm join our FREE webinar where we will go over this simple stock option trade that really seems too good to be true.  But it isn’t, here are the highlights:

-No Technical Analysis!

-No Searching for Stocks!

-No Adjustments!

This trade only needs to be checked once a day, just like making your bed in the morning.   This would be an excellent investment vehicle for your IRA retirement accounts or really any account that you want to grow with minimal interaction.

What is the WIN PERCENTAGE of your trades?  Please share.


Deal or no deal?

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles from

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles from

If you have elected to get your life insurance coverage through your employer, please take a closer look.  Generally the benefits offered by your employer are a good deal but life insurance may be a different story. 

Carefully look at the amount of coverage to make sure it is adequate to cover your dependents in the event of your death.  Chances are the coverage is much too low.  Typically the standard coverage recommended is 10 times your gross annual income.  If you don’t have enough you should seek additional insurance.

Another point to watch of course, is the cost of that coverage.  In many cases the insurance from your employer is much more expensive per thousand than traditional term insurance.  So be sure to price it out and make sure you’re getting the best DEAL!

Do you have adequate life insurance coverage?  Click like!


Phases to FREEDOM!

Check out our “Phases to FREEDOM!”.  This webinar goes over our “5 Phases to Financial Freedom” which are (1) Always watch your nets, (2) Starters, (3) Debt destroyer, (4) Self first, then kids and (5) Put your money to work.

Are you on the path to financial freedom?  If so, please comment on what phase you are in.

Expect the unexpected

911 by Stuart Miles from

911 by Stuart Miles from

Establish and maintain an emergency fund of at least six months of expenses.  This is extremely important and should only be used in emergencies.  It should be easily accessible so that you can withdraw the funds quickly.  It should only be used for unexpected costs, it should not fund vacations, new expensive clothing, dining out or other luxuries.  Be sure to keep the emergency fund in a separate account so it is not mixed with other funds for other purposes.  Stay away from temptation!  A good way to make it grow consider is to set up automatic monthly transfers to ensure it gets fully funded.  The emergency fund is for unexpected expenses like appliances that stop working, getting laid off from a job, long illness or an accident.  Be sure to keep this fund for the unexpected and you will be prepared!

Please click “Like” if you have an established emergency fund.

Don’t have a small business? Create one and reap the rewards!

Image by imagerymajestic from

Image by imagerymajestic from

Even if you have a JOB (Just Over Broke) open a business!  You will earn extra income AND get to keep more of what you make with some tax deductions.  **Disclaimer!  Please ALWAYS consult your tax professional regarding tax matters.  We are not tax professionals!**  One of those is the home office deduction but be honest, you should be able to defend your deduction in an audit.  Meals and entertainment when you conduct business with a person you are entertaining during the meal or event.  Be sure you keep good records of what the activity was, when, with whom and how it relates.  Another possible deduction is internet and phone directly related to your business.  Vehicle deductions for local business trips can be deducted either by the standard mileage rate or your actual expenses.  Education for yourself can be deducted as well.  The list goes on and on.  Another VERY helpful benefit of a small business is being able to contribute to a Self-Employed Retirement Plan and the tax benefits you can recognize.  These are a twofer!  They are particularly valuable for reducing your tax bill now and racking up tax-deferred retirement savings for later.

Can you share more benefits of having a small business?  Please comment.

The Strangest Secret

I thought that if you are in the stormy North East today you might have some time to listen to this classic.  It will stand the test of time.  Take a few minutes and please comment below your thoughts.